Jin Shin Jyutsu was marvelous for my children when they were young. It helped with leg cramps, tummy aches, headaches, fevers and well, pretty much every thing. It helped keep them balanced. It helped with their stress. I had one child who was hyper active and we really didn't want to use drugs. Between JSJ, diet and other bodywork she normalized over a period of years which I thought was miraculous at the time. I absolutely love Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Susan Melchior, School Director, Guild for Structural Integration, Boulder, CO
Jin Shin Jyutsu may help women’s health with applications such as:
Health Maintenance
Stress Relief
Hormonal Balance
The Expectant Mother: Rejuvenation; Morning Sickness; Fatigue
The Developing Fetus: Harmonizes the energy pathways that feed life into the cells and supports development of organs and physiological systems
The Birthing Mother: Pain relief; Facilitates body’s own natural process (i.e. help open the pelvic girdle and assist in the descending energetic flow to help the baby through the birth canal)