Rosemary CourtRosemary Court Yoga, in the heart of Sarasota's downtown Rosemary District, offers all styles and levels of yoga classes and private instruction seven days a week. The yoga studio is part of the Rosemary Court Wellness Center, where four restored 1920s houses surround a charming gated garden with brick paths and a koi pond. Suncoast Jin Shin Jyutsu is located in the Rosemary Court Yoga building, 810 Central Ave.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Links:
Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc.
Founded by Mary Burmeister (the woman that brought Jin Shin Jyutsu to America), Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. offers a full range of classes in various locations worldwide.
Suncoast Links:
Sharing the rhythmic music and instruments of the world via their hand-drum and percussion retail store, mobile sales and service, drum re-heading and repair, classes (djembe, conga, frame drum, Brasilian batucada, etc.), workshops, community programs, and performances.
Other Links:
ALS Association
The ALS Association encourages scientific research to find a cure for ALS, heightens awareness of the nature of the disease, stimulates volunteerism and activism, and increases awareness of government leaders to encourage support of research and patient care.
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP)
ABMP Provides Massage Therapy Professionals, Massage Students, and Massage Schools with Massage Liability Insurance, Massage Marketing Materials, Massage Business Support, and Massage Legislation Information.
Whirlwind Pottery
A creative clay center, to select those essential pieces that will transform your decor, set a mood, and bring timeless beauty to your home, now and forever.
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