Jin Shin Jyutsu® (pronounced "jin shin jute-su") is an ancient art of harmonizing the flow of life energy in the body.
Our bodies contain energy pathways that nourish all of our cells. Modern day external and internal stressors (emotional disturbances; mental anxieties and worries; diet; physical strains and injuries, etc) disrupt and disharmonize the energy flow. Left unattended, these disruptions can result in mental or emotional imbalances, pain, discomfort, or disease.
Along our energy pathways are vital energy centers called "Safety Energy Locks" (SELs.) We can use our hands as “jumper cables” by holding the SELs alone or in certain combinations to restore the energy flow and bring balance to body, mind, and spirit.
Picture a stream. It is flowing freely until a tree branch falls into it. The flow of water is diverted around the branch and small debris that once flowed unobstructed downstream begins to accumulate on and around the fallen branch. As additional debris gets caught, the stream becomes more clogged, the diversion of the water flow becomes more pronounced, and a damming effect begins to take place. The water starts to back up and flood the banks. This is similar to what happens in our bodies when the flow of energy becomes disrupted. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a powerful tool to help us clear “our energetic debris.”
Who uses Jin Shin Jyutsu
Many individuals come to Jin Shin Jyutsu in a search for something to aid in addressing specific health projects. Others find it in their search for ways to actively participate in improving and maintaining their own health. As the art of “NOW KNOW MYSELF,” Jin Shin Jyutsu brings to our awareness and understanding, simple, yet profoundly effective means for restoring and maintaining health, harmony and happiness!!!
At Suncoast Jin Shin Jyutsu, we have worked with clients the following:
Our clients are:
In all age ranges: adults, teens, children, infants, newborns, unborn (pregnant mothers)
From many different career paths: teachers, accountants, students, real estate agents, artists, executive assistants, nurses, construction workers, psychotherapists, retirees…
And, with varying ranges of mobility: avid athletes, casual exercisers, paraplegics, and quadriplegics.
Jin Shin Jyutsu applied by trained practitioner
When receiving a session from a trained practitioner, the client lies down on their back on a massage table, fully clothed. The practitioner listens to the energy pulses on the client’s wrists. The information from the pulses is taken into consideration along with observances of the body alignment, previous medical diagnosis, symptoms and feedback expressed by the client to determine their energetic needs. The practitioner places her hands on certain areas on the client’s body in specific sequences to restore harmony to the energetic flow. There is no massage or manipulation of muscles.
A session at Suncoast Jin Shin Jyutsu is typically an hour long appointment with approximately 50 minutes of hands-on treatment, time for relaxation and several minutes of self help instruction. Each session is customized to address the client’s needs. Call 941-228-2972 for more information and/or to schedule your appointment.
Jin Shin Jyutsu applied on one's self
Jin Shin Jyutsu engages one in self-study, self-discovery; it increases our awareness of our body/mind/spirit connection. The more we practice Jin Shin Jyutsu, the more skilled we become in interpreting the messages from our bodies. We recognize our innate ability to restore harmony and we realize that oftentimes we are subconsciously balancing our energy.
The rediscovery of Jin Shin Jyutsu was born out of Jiro Murai healing himself of a life-threatening illness in the early 1900’s. His student, Mary Burmeister brought Jin Shin Jyutsu to America in the 1950’s. Mary wrote a series of three self help books that are the basis for the self help instruction offered at Suncoast Jin Shin Jyutsu.
For more information, visit Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc at www.jsjinc.net.
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