Living my passion and loving it! I have the privilege to (literally) touch people’s lives in a meaningful way
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"Genuinely connecting with others is what makes life precious to me. To share belly-aching laughter, to shed tears and release heart-wrenching grief, to be quiet and revel in the stillness of the present…these are the moments of healing; these are the moments I treasure. Jin Shin Jyutsu helps me be more present and aware within myself. Sharing Jin Shin Jyutsu with others calls on a heightened sense of awareness and understanding. I have witnessed amazing transformations in my life and the lives of the people that have come to me for sessions. It is one of the greatest loves of my life."
Michelle Giambra, Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner and Self Help Instructor & LMT has 20 years of experience in the study and practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Her lifelong interest in holistic health and spiritual philosophy led her to Jin Shin Jyutsu. She holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and an associate’s degree in massage therapy; graduating with honors in both fields. Michelle enjoyed a successful career in accounting, quality control, and product management and now focuses fulltime on her passion, Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Michelle brings to her practice a sincere desire to promote balance, harmony, peace, fun, and good health. Her services are enhanced by the depth of compassion and understanding gained from her personal life experiences, her fun-loving attitude, her sharp sense of humor, and her intuitive nature. Clients find comfort in Michelle’s down-to-earth approach and gentle demeanor.
Michelle has completed more than 500 hours of classroom study in Jin Shin Jyutsu, including: "Living the Art Seminar" for certification to teach Self Help Classes; "The Scottsdale Mentoring Program" with one of the first teachers selected by Mary Burmeister to teach Jin Shin Jyutsu; and a class with Haruki Kato, the only living student of Jiro Murai.
An Ohio native, Michelle currently lives in Florida with her husband, Bill, and their three cats. She enjoys being with friends and family, hiking, kayaking, being at the beach, reading, anything to do with numbers, scrabble, and logic puzzles.
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